June 16, 2024 in Vision & Imaging

Wildcat+ 1280 with new features

Wildcat+ 1280 series with new features

Xenics, part of Exosens, is a leading developer and manufacturer of advanced infrared sensors, cameras, and customized imaging solutions for the short-wave infrared (SWIR) and long-wave infrared (LWIR) realms.

Wildcat+ 1280 is a SWIR camera from Xenics dedicated to demanding industrial vision applications, process monitoring, and scientific uses. The Wildcat+ 1280 series, with its high-resolution and high-performance features, is now available for up to 1h (3600s) exposure time. In addition, support for trigger-induced exposure time for external triggering is available—trigger-induced exposure time functionality is only applicable to ITR mode.

For more information, contact [email protected]

High-resolution and high-performance SWIR cameras for industry

The SWIR cameras are specifically designed for industrial applications where industrial-oriented design meets high-resolution and high-performance SWIR cameras.

Wildcat+ 1280 is one such example. It is a compact solution at the camera and optics levels and is offered with a 5 µm pitch sensor. Customers can readily benefit from the user-friendly configuration and high-performing Wildcat industrial platform with the high-resolution SXGA format (1280×1024).

The Wildcat+ 1280 series is available with a CameraLink or USB3 Vision interface and benefits from Wildcat characteristics such as 2 triggers-in and 2 triggers-out with highly accurate temperature-stabilized FPA. As a result, the camera provides very stable performances in demanding environments.

With its sensitivity ranging from visible to SWIR wavelength (0.4 µm to 1.7 µm), it allows customers to obtain both visible and SWIR information with just one camera.

In addition, with a 120 Hz maximum frame rate and power consumption of less than 7 W, Wildcat+ 1280 is the ultimate solution for high-speed imaging and high performance.

Wildcat+ 1280 series is the best-in-class for industrial applications like:

  • Semiconductor Inspection where customers will benefit from high-resolution and vSWIR capability to precisely locate failures and cracks.
  • Laser beam profiling where customers will benefit both from high-resolution and from the extremely small 5 µm pixel pitch to analyze very small beams.

Indeed, Wildcat+ 1280 from the Xenics SWIR product portfolio is an ideal solution to improve the industry's machine vision and process monitoring capabilities.

Contact [email protected] or visit WILDCAT/WILDCAT+ | Exosens

For further information on the extensive range of SWIR and LWIR solutions, please click here to learn more: Short Wave Infrared cameras | Exosens and Long Wave Infrared cameras | Exosens

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